

Straatsburg Straatsburg op de kaart   Een reis plannen was nog nooit zo gemakkelijk. Alle plekjes in deze blog (en meer) vind je terug op deze kaart. Door te klikken op de legenda naast mijn foto, maak je eenvoudig een selectie van datgeen wat jij belangrijk...
One day in Bonn

One day in Bonn

The City of Bonn Bonn Instead of our initial plan – camping in Cologne  – we decide to drive 15 minutes further to Bonn. Here I found an open camper place next to a beautiful park called Rheinau Park. There is no electricity and no water, which makes this...
Charming villages in Tuscany

Charming villages in Tuscany

Two of my favourite charming villages in Tuscany Two of my favourite charming villages in Tuscany I’am not a big star in story telling, I much rather listen to them. But when that moment is there, I always seem to end up telling the same ones. The ones that are...
Mijn Antarctica dagboek

Mijn Antarctica dagboek

A LOOK INTO MY DIARY One whole year this diary traveled with me in my backpack. From the Andes Mountains to Antarctica and many places in between. When I was writing my ‘Fondest Memories’ I needed something that would help me to relive my memories. I took...
Herinneringen aan Antarctica

Herinneringen aan Antarctica

MY FONDEST MEMORIES BAR TALK The most crazy and exciting stories i’ve ever heard in my life. Everyone was hanging on the tellers lips. Almost each night there was a bartalk. People gathered around one of the expedition leaders and listened to the trilling story...

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